For Users

If the map you would like to access is public (I.e., if you scanned a QR code a clicked a link provided to you by your admin), start from step 5.

Account Setup

  1. Navigate to
  2. Sign up with an account, providing a valid email address and password. A valid password needs to be at least 6 characters long.
  3. You will be redirected to the dashboard, which will be empty since this is a new account. Let your admin know and they will share their maps with you.

Using the Navigation

  1. Click on the desired map in the dashboard. This will redirect you to your organisation's AtRoom start page.
  2. Type in the Room Code you would like to go to. The default assumption is that you are at the main entrance of a building. If you are not, click on the “I’M NOT AT THE BUILDING ENTRENCE” text and provide your current location in the appearing text field.
  3. Follow the instructions as described. If you are lost or feel that you have missed a step, click on the “previous” button. Otherwise click “next” once you have completed the step.
  4. Once you see the “You have arrived at your destination” instruction, feel free to close the browser tab.